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Selectmen Minutes 12/12/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
December 12, 2006

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

Department Heads
PRESENT:  Dave Paveglio, Building Inspector; David Kenneally, Road Agent; Patrick Clarke, Road Agent; and John Martell; Emergency Management Director.  

PD: Chief Clarke introduced Mr. Bob Mulligan to the Board.  Chief Clarke would like to hire Mr. Mulligan as a part time officer with the Board’s blessing.  The Selectmen voiced their approval.

Officer Wright was involved in an accident with the cruiser.  There is $3716.00 in damages.  There is minor property damage and the Chief has spoken to the homeowners and has made the arrangements for repair of the fence. This is Officer Wright’s second accident.  Chief Clarke is requiring Officer Wright to attend the defensive driving course next time it is offered at the Police Academy.  

Chief Clarke submitted the Memo of Understanding between the three towns that collectively own the speed trailer, for the Selectmen to sign.  Chichester is responsible for one third of the registration cost.  The Town of Pittsfield is covering the insurance.   

The Chief submitted information regarding a lease/purchase option for the new cruiser appropriation. This new rotation would spread the tax impact out more, replace a cruiser every year, always have a car under warranty and allow for the flexibility of when during the year to acquire the cruiser.  This would also eliminate the Capital Reserve Fund currently in place.  The Chief is seeking guidance from the Selectmen. The additional cost of interest is a concern.  The Board will review with the Budget Committee and get back to the Chief.  

An increase is needed for the police internet line item.  The new networking on the computer requires a high speed connection.  The Board recommended this initial year be accounted for through Impact Fees.  Going forward this will need to be accounted for within the police department budget.   

BI: Mr. Paveglio has received an inquiry from a family member in reference to 84 Suncook Valley Highway.  The property has gone to probate and the family is asking what the status of the mobile home is.  The mobile home was permitted for an elderly relation.  That relation no longer lives at the residence.  Per zoning regulations the mobile home must be removed from the property.  Mr. Paveglio will inform the relative.  

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BOS minutes
December 12, 2006

Currently, there are two unused permits; a lot on Ferrin Road and one on Staniels Road.  These have expired and are now available to the first two people on the waiting list for 2007.  Mr. Paveglio will notify all parties.  

Mr. Mark Drew is next in line for a permit.  The fee for both the building permit and the impact fee are required prior to issuance.  Since Mr. Drew has already begun building, Mr. Paveglio will not be able to sign off on all phases of the project.  The Board suggested a disclaimer be written and signed by Mr. Drew releasing the town from any liability on the systems not inspected by the building inspector.

Emergency Management: Nothing to report this evening.  

HYW:  Mr. Kenneally informed the Board of the generous donation from Mr. Dennis Call for the paint and labor for the new blazer.  

The Road Agent has purchased two new plows, one from EW Sleeper and one from Fairfield.  Donovan’s has yet to forward their quote.  

Mr. Kenneally submitted the figures for the Center Road Warrant Article.  Mr. Kenneally’s figures were taken from the engineering report compiled by Brown Engineering.  The costs comprise material and equipment only with the highway department performing the work.  

Selectman DeBold wished to go on record acknowledging the work performed by the highway department on the recent installation of the well located at the library.

The Board advised the Road Agent to periodically check the Malachy Glen subdivision for potential damage to the roadways from any heavy construction equipment.

Chairman MacCleery asked Mr. Kenneally about the recent excavator expense.  Mr. Kenneally explained it was used to bale up the winter sand.  Mr. Kenneally further stated this is still cheaper than the delivered price.  The Board asked Mr. Kenneally to bring them the cost figures.  

Chairman MacCleery asked whether or not the two culverts on Kelley’s Corner Road and the one near his house on Carpenter Road are going to be hot topped before winter.  Mr. Kenneally responded this was going to be done on Thursday.  

Selectman DeBold shared with the Board that he and Administrative Assistant, Lisa Stevens had attended the Road Scholars Award Luncheon in Concord where Mr. Kenneally received his award for Master Road Scholar. The Road Agent was asked to look at the culvert on King Road; delineators may be needed before snowfall.

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December 12, 2006      

Mr. Kenneally has visited Hillview Road in regard to heavy equipment breaking through the stonewall for access to the property in Epsom.  Mr. Kenneally determined the contractor did not break through the stonewall but simply removed rocks that were located in the bar way.  The town has made an attempt to contact the contractor and or the homeowner to establish the property owner’s intent.  Presently, the town has not granted permission for access through Chichester to develop the subdivision located in Epsom.  

SUBJECT: 2007 Proposed Budget
PRESENT: Budget Committee members, Bruce Dyke, Jason Weir, Lucille Noel and John Martell

The Board of Selectmen presented their budget to the budget committee.  Selectmen Salaries and the Administrative Assistant salary were discussed at length. Discussion followed regarding the recommendation of budget committee member Lucille Noel to change the position back to Administrator.  Chairman MacCleery does not agree that that is a Board level decision; it should be brought before the town at Town Meeting.  The rest of the group disagreed stating those are the kind of decisions the Board was elected to make. Selectman DeBold stated in his opinion the Board of Selectmen are the managers of the town’s Administrative staff and the Board should make those decisions.   Selectman DeBold offered to conduct more research regarding Selectmen salaries and job descriptions for an Administrator and an Administrative Assistant, utilizing the Wage, Benefit and Salary Book provided from the Local Government Center.

The other area of increase is the Health Benefits Costs.  The individual department costs reflect what is currently utilized plus next year’s anticipated changes.  Overall the operating budget is down about $34,000.    


Selectman DeBold informed the other members of the Board that he had spoken to NHDES following up on the letter from the Dam Bureau in regards to the inspection on Marsh Pond Dam.  The State informed Selectman DeBold the letter has been written and is going through the channels.  To date the town has not received it.
Ms. Deachman stopped in to inform the Board of two inquires she has received regarding use of mobile homes on two properties located on Suncook Valley Road.  The Selectmen’s Office has received the same inquires.  In both instances, the mobile homes were granted for elderly use only.  Per zoning, once the elder no longer resides on the property, the mobile homes must be removed.   Some discussion took place as to performing an annual review or requiring an annual permit for elderly use of mobile

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December 12, 2006

homes.  There is nothing in place to insure that these mobile homes are being removed once required, as appears to be the case in these two instances.

The Board of Adjustment has been contacted regarding the proposed installation of a billboard on Rte 4.  The caller has gone to the Planning Board for discussion and was referred to the Board of Adjustment to seek a variance for signage. Billboards are not allowed in the Commercial Village Zone.  The Planning Board is drafting a letter for the Board of Adjustment outlining the discussion.  

The Board of Adjustment has not resolved the member resignation.  Chairman MacCleery will speak to Chairman Meehan.  

The Board reviewed the additional information received from the auditing firm of Mason & Rich.  After discussion, Selectman DeBold made the motion seconded by Chairman MacCleery to award the bid for the auditing services for Fiscal Year End 2006, in the amount not to exceed $8,200, to the firm of Mason & Rich.  The cost for implementation of GASB 34 will be proposed in a warrant article.

The Board reviewed the photos submitted for the cover of the town report.  

The Board will not be meeting Tuesday December 26, 2006.  Lisa will post a notice.

The minutes of December 1, 2006 were approved as corrected.

The minutes of December 5, 2006 were approved as written.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman

David Colbert

                                                        APPROVED AS CORRECTED
____________________________                            12/19/2006                      
Richard DeBold